Alan Proctor’s book, The Sweden File: Memoir of an American Ex-Patriate, was named one of the best memoirs in 2015 by The Kansas City Star. Released in its second edition in 2019 by Open Books Press, the memoir is made up of collected letters and essays from and about his late brother, Bruce Stevens Proctor. He talks about Bruce’s life as a Pentagon insider who became an American deserter, and his views on the Vietnam War. In this program comprised of both a studio interview in 2016 with KCUR’s CJ Janovy and a 2018 New Letters on the Air public conversation with the Kansas City Actors Theatre at the City Stage Theater in Union Station, Proctor describes the events and emotions he and his family went through during Bruce’s journey from America to Sweden and eventually Canada, and discusses the process for shaping this very personal book. Westphalia Press, which published the first edition of the memoir, also published Alan Proctor’s debut novel in 2018, Adirondack Summer, 1969.