Vol. 85 nos. 2 & 3
Winter/Spring 2019
Slowness, Robert Stewart
Independence Road, first place, the New Letters fiction award, Amy Widmoyer Hanson
The Day After Christmas, Trish Reeves
Eulogy for Peter Everwine, Christopher Buckley
The Bachelors, a partial definition, Margot Livesey
Those Scars, Patrick Dobson
Cataract Surgery, first place, the Conger Beasley Jr. award for the essay, Robert Stothart
so much depends upon . . . astrophysics?, Thomas Stroik
Pintaric the Town Philosopher, Josip Novakovich
At the Hermitage, Peter Everwine
Unless We Can Establish Undeniably the Objective Reality of Ghosts . . ., David Clewell
Three Poems, Alice Friman
Two Poems, Jim Barnes
Joseph Sudek (Prague, 1896-1976), first place, the New Letters award for poetry, Betty Ritz Rogers
Three Poems, about jazz & Roethke, Richard Terrill
Four Poems, David Thoreen
Nothing Will Warn You, Stephen Dunn
A Messenger, Christopher Howell
Two Poems, Charles Harper Webb
“Work in Progress: The Beginnings of a Biography,” on Evan S. Connell., Steve Paul
“An Anywhere Road for Anybody Anyhow,” on the poems of Denise Low., Julia Older
“A Short History of What Matters,” on the poetry of Jose Padua, Robert Stewart
Photographs by Micha Langer & Gloria Baker Feinstein
Paintings by Kathryn Jankus Day