Sergio Troncoso, whose recent essay appears in the 2019, Vol. 85 No. 4 issue of New Letters magazine, talks about his journey from the small border town of Ysleta to his education at Harvard and eventually Yale, where he now teaches. His collection Crossing Borders: Personal Essays reveals a bit about his life on the Mexican-American border and how it varies from his current life in New York City, where he works to instill the same sense of hardworking determination in his two sons. Raised Catholic, he also looks at the border between religions, sharing some of the challenges he and his wife, who is Jewish, have faced. Troncoso also reads from his 2011 novel, From This Wicked Patch of Dust, and talks about his 2013 anthology of essays, Our Lost Border: Essays on Life Amid the Narco-Violence. A new short story collection, A Peculiar Kind of Immigrant’s Son, is due out in October 2019.