Vol. 81 nos. 3 & 4

Spring/Summer 2015


Not Stopped, slowed, deterred, or dissuaded, Robert Stewart


The Guest Speaker , Brian Doyle

A Slanting of the Sun, Donal Ryan

Honey-Do, Gary Gildner


Killing Chickens, Sarah K. Lenz 

Jack Conroy, a Remembrance & Introduction to “The Fields of Golden Glow”, Robert Stewart 

The Fields of Golden Glow, Jack Conroy 

Reawakening: The Art of an Ecofeminist, on Shea Gordon, Rebecca Ofiesh 

On Willis Barnstone, introduction, Stanley Moss 

Is God a Jew? Is Jesus a Jew? Concealed Identities in the Bible, Willis Barnstone 

The Little Tramp, Edward Hoagland


Je suis partout, Jack Anderson 
Three Poems, Adrian C. Louis 
At the Gates, Alice Friman 

Three Poems, Carl Dennis 
Literacy, Lybb Domina 
Flow, Harley Elliott 
The Thing, Hilma Wolitzer 
Two Poems, David Clewell 
Three Poems, Will Nixon 
Two Poems, Leslie Adrienne Miller 
Two Poems, Albert Goldbarth


Introduction to Dunya Mikhail, Staff

Art’s Shaken Houses, conducted by Robert Stewart, Dunya Mikhail


“An Outsider Looking In,”on the essays of Judy Ray, Catherine Browder 

“A Palm Measuring Salt,” on poems by Maryfrances Wagner, Joe Benevento 

“Beyond Coincidence,”on the poetry of Gary Dop, Robert Stewart


Artwork by Shea Gordon