Vol. 77 no. 2

Winter 2011


Power, Robert Stewart


A Country of Shoes, Gabriel Welsch 

Revolver, Heidi Naylor


She Don’t Lie, Harmony Neal 

Phil Miller, in memoriam, Robert Stewart 

The Currency of Love, Linda Lancione 

The Secret Revealed: How James Earl Ray Got His Money, John J. Dunphy 

Keith Douglas, Desert Warrior, Conger Beasley, Jr. 

George Whitman’s Ninety-Seventh, Margo Berdeshevsky 


Ripe, Michaela Carter 
I’m Not sure the Cherry Tree is the Loveliest of Trees, Wendy Barker 
3 Poems, Albert Goldbarth
Motel, a New Letters Retrospective, Phil Miller 
3 Poems, Josephine Yu
On the Day of Mandela’s Release, Thomas Russell 
4 Poems, Kim Addonizio 
Love Poem for Ted Neeley in Jesus Christ Superstar, Carrie Shipers 

2 Poems, Alice Friman 
3 Poems, Charles W. Pratt 
She Stole the British Romantics, Amy Anderson 
Day Care, Deborah Bacharach
Canzone on the High Desert, Judy Ray 
Louisa May and the Transcendental, Lorraine Schein 
Oarfish, Terita Heath-Wlaz 
My Father’s Guitars, Fredrick Zydek 
Contra Chekhov, Michael Salcman 
The Word Damn and the Word God, Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum


Wonderful Places, Desperate Lives, an interview with Walter Cummins, conducted by Joyce J. Townsend 


A Life in Verse, on the selected poems of the late Robert Dana, Richard Holinger 

Giving Voice to Others, on new poems by Vivian Shipley, William Wright 

Backyard Nuclear War, on the nonfiction occupations of Steven Church, Linda Burnett 


Paintings by Lisa Grossman
Photographs by Terrie Wahling, Suzanne Garr, Margo Berdeshevesky, & Thomas Pirel