Vol. 74 no. 1

Fall 2007/2008


The Editorial Slant, Robert Stewart


Making It to Thirty, Kenneth Gangemi 

The Fruit Stand, Kenneth Gangemi 

Breakfast on the West Side, Kenneth Gangemi 

Red River Valley, Thomas Fox Averill 

A Tour of the Country, Catherine Browder 


A Way of Being: Some Observations on the Ends and Means of Poetry, B.H. Fairchild 

The Anatomy of Torture–Villa Grimaldi, transcript by Thomas Larsen, translated by Thomas E. Kennedy, Inge Genefke 

Curious Survivals: The Letter of Willa Cather, Andrew Jewell 


Two Poems, Willis Barnstone 
Two Poems, Michael Blumenthal
Horse in Her, The, Elaine Sexton
My Heart, Kim Addonizio
A Marriage of Convenience, Andrew Plattner
Five Poems, Kevin Young
Reading, Adrienne Su
Two Poems, Mia Leonin

Cottonwood Lounge, The, B.H. Fairchild 
Across the Borderlands, the Wind, Michelle Boisseau
The Naming, Mihaela Moscaliuc
Two Poems, David Ray
Bronze Horseman by McKenna, Desmond Egan
Class Trip: December 1963, Bill Christophersen
The First Law of Thermodynamics, David Wagoner
Two Poems, Peter Balakian 


To Make a Story, an interview with Edward P. Jones, conducted by Angela Elam 


Seven Notes of Advocacy and Affection For John Williams’ Stoner, Robert Day 

Novels of Jazz, the Jazz of Novels, an essay review on Thomas E. Kennedy’s Copenhagen Quartet, Michael Lee 


Ceramics by Linda Lighton
Charcoal drawings and watercolor paintings by Nicole Emanuel
Photographs by Philip L. and Helen Cather and Alice Maud Gulbrandsen